Bread Tabs: Free Terrain Bits You May Already Have

When I started looking around the house for trash to use on terrain projects, I couldn’t believe how many little plastic bread tabs were sitting on our kitchen counter near the toaster. 

While most of the bread tabs are the same, there are a few in different sizes and colors

While these pieces are small, they can be cut up and glued together into nice little greeblie pieces to put on the face of structures made from foam core or styrene as shown in the picture below.

A couple of detail pieces that could be applied to the outside of a structure. The one on the left is definitely a bit orky feeling, while the one on the right would make a nice set of buttons or controls.

Also, while I do not know that I have the patience or the attention to detail to make many of them. If you collect 6 of these tabs you could cut them up and make a small shipping crate from them. Add one or two more tabs and you can cut some smaller pieces to add detail to your small crate. 

As an experiment, I used my leather punch on one of them and created small circles ranging from 2 mm to 4.5 mm in diameter. These pieces could serve as rivets, buttons, or other small round detail elements as I did in the greeblie photo above.

I wasn’t sure it would work, but I used this leather punch to punch some different sized circles from one bread tab. Purely a coincidence, or my imagination, that the resulting bread tab looks like a dragon head.

How would you use this bit of trash in your terrain projects? Please leave a comment below and let me know. 

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